
Captain in training log Staredate: 230912

Posted on Mon Sep 12th, 2022 @ 8:17pm by Lieutenant Commander Toni Turner Ms


Today I arrived on the USS Bombus, a Hornet-class used as a Training vessel, for the last leg of my trip to Esquimalt Station. The vessel, is a type of fighter carrier star-ship used to help control the rising outlaw activity in the commerce zones of the Orion star system.

It seems the the Typhon Pact has strengthened the Breen and Tzenkethand they seem to be the outlaws in question who now threatened to destabilize the hard-fraught peace that lasted since the Dominion War. But having served to the northeast sector border of the Typhon Expanse it was not out of the question that Romulan runagages could be infiltrating the area too, but I hope not because the Breen will be hard enough to deal with given thieir clicking language and freezing cold nature.

Task Force 72 have been reassigned to support the Cardassians and neighboring powers and is charged with opening diplomatic relations with nascent powers to ensure an enduring and stable Federation presence in the Alpha Quadrant.



